Modern agile methods were technically and officially introduced in 2001.  Seventeen software development professionals met to discuss alternative project management techniques. Consequently, with a clear vision of a flexible, lightweight and team-oriented software development approach. Accordingly, they mapped out the Manifesto for Agile Software Development. Since then, agile methods have become the industry standard for most professional software production companies. Finally, an iterative approach to software development!

Agile Aspects

Firstly, flexibility is notable as the scope of work may change according to new requirements. Secondly, is a work breakdown as the project consists of small cycles known as ‘Sprints’. Furthermore, in agile teamwork is valued as members work closely together with a clear vision about their responsibilities. Additionally, also iterative improvements are key as there is always frequent reassessment of the work done within a cycle. All for the betterment of the final product. Lastly, customers are closely engaged in the development process and can always change the requirements.



Generally, let’s start with what is referred to by some as the most dominant agile framework. Extensively used by 69% of modern agile user organizations or combined with other techniques. Ironically, while scrum predates the 2001 Agile Manifesto, it was still consistent with the values stated in that document. Suited best for long-term, complex projects that require constant stakeholder feedback. Similarly, it allows for sustainable collaboration when details are being changed or added! Especially, when the exact amount of work to be done can’t be estimated and the release date is not fixed.

Beyond I.T

Conversely, Scrum goes beyond software teams. Businesses in fields of finance, architecture and consulting, choose this approach to organize their work processes. Furthermore, to enhance cooperation with customers. Microsoft, Yahoo, and Google are some of the honorable mentions. By definition, a basic unit of work in scrum is called a sprint. Each sprint can be a project in miniature. Specifically, this is what we call a short development cycle needed to produce a shippable product increment.   These sprints can consist of design, implementation, testing and deployment stages within the pre-defined scope of work. Generally, the team follows a work plan for each Sprint.


Conversely, this is another common project management in the agile methods family. Kanban is a simple, yet powerful, approach to developing software. Indeed, Kanban focuses on the visualization of the workflow and prioritizes the work in progress (WIP). Thus limiting its scope to match it effectively to the team’s capacity. When the task is thoroughly completed, the team simply can take the next item from the pipeline. Additionally, there are basically no time-boxed development cycles, the process offers more planning flexibility, faster turnaround, clear objectives, and transparency. Specifically, the team can change the work plan at any time.

No Standard Procedures and Sprints

Generally, as iterated there no standard procedures and sprints within the Kanban agile process. Teams work in a fully cooperative manner doing small bundles of work as they come. Therefore, Kanban teams do small releases and adapt to changing priorities.  Furthermore, there are no fixed iterations required in Kanban in contrast to Scrum. Hence resulting in a focus on completing tasks efficiently and in time. Project development is based on workflow visualization through a Kanban board through tools like Trello or sticky notes. Trello is the Atlassian tool which fully automates and digitalizes Kanban.


In this methodology, agile methods and traditional waterfall basically complement each other. It’s ironically an effective solution for products that rely on both hardware and software aspects. Its commonly looked at as agile software development under Waterfall conditions. These unique hybrid conditions are conditions like fixed deadlines, forecasted budgets, and thorough risk assessment.


Generally, this agile project management technique promotes fast software development with less effort, time, and cost. This implies that the development cycle is as short as possible as the product is being continuously improved. This agile method allows a minimum viable product (MVP) development technique. Basically, deployment of a product with a minimum, sufficient set of features to satisfy early users. Additionally, the team is independent with a wider range of responsibilities than those in Scrum, Bimodal, and Hybrid. Similarly, developers can also formulate the product’s concept.


In this agile project management framework, there are two separate modes of work. That is the traditional (Mode 1) and Agile (Mode 2). Furthermore, two separate teams can work on projects with two different goals. In retrospect, the Mode 1 maintains IT system infrastructure while Mode 2 team delivers innovative applications. Cross-team collaboration is quite imperative

XP (Extreme Programming)

Generally, Extreme Programming differs from its sister frameworks by its focus on technical aspects of software development. XP is a set of unique practices applied to improve software quality and their ability to adjust to changing requirements. Generally, the common XP practices are namely: test-driven development, refactoring, continuous integration, and pair programming. Furthermore, XP introduces engineering practices aimed at helping software developers write better code. Likewise, product development includes consistent stages of core writing, testing, analyzing, designing, and continuous integration of code. Again, communication within the team with customer involvement in development is imperative.


In conclusion, Scrum Agile is probably the most professional and popular of all the agile methods. Additionally, scrum methodology has been automated by the award-winning software JIRA from Atlassian to simply Agile teams. Conversely, Jira goes beyond software teams with adaption capabilities which are flexible to any project environment. Start your journey with Jira for project excellence.